Polish-German Law Studies


Registrations for MASTER SEMINARS in the academic year 2024/2025:


  • Registrations for master's seminars are open until 30 September 2024*
    * 4th year students (in 2024/2025), following the plan and programme of study for students recruited in the academic year 2021/2022 and beyond, for whom the master's seminar is scheduled from the summer semester onwards, may choose a supervisor until 30 March 2025
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  • You can sign up to one promoter from the list.
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  • Signing up for a seminar does not mean acceptance! Lists of candidates for the individual seminars will be sent to the supervisors and, after verification, a list of those accepted will be published.
  • The list of those accepted will be published.
  • Sign-up can be done by telephone (tel: 61 829 6815) or via e-mail (e-mail: ewa.szleszynska@amu.edu.pl). It is necessary to provide your album number
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  • Note! Seminar meetings at the Collegium Polonicum are held on the dates of lectures given by the supervisors or by individual arrangement.
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There is a list of promoters below, together with the conditions of enrolment and the topics of the seminars.

prof. dr hab. Wojciech Dajczak

  • two subject areas: comparative private law (general part, obligations, property, inheritance) and history of private law;
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  • Knowledge of another language in addition to Polish and German is not required, but welcome;
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prof. dr hab. Joanna Długosz-Jóźwiak

  • enrolment independent of grades and average;
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prof. dr hab. Anna Gerecka-Zołyńska

  • criminal procedure grade: minimum 4.0;
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  • maximum of 5;
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prof. Dr. Krzysztof Mularski

  • average of grades to date: minimum 4.0;
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  • a master's seminar in civil law with particular emphasis on the general part, contract law, family law and inheritance law, and the relationship of the science of civil law with other sciences, in particular philosophy, semiotics, legal theory and logic;
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  • maximum 6 places; if more students sign up, those with better grades in civil law will be admitted;
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prof. dr hab. Wojciech Piątek

  • enrolment independent of grades and average;
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prof. dr hab. Witold Płowiec

  • grade in constitutional law: minimum 4.0;
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prof. dr hab. Michał Skąpski

  • job law grade: minimum 4.0;
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  • if more than one person signs up and all meet the requirements, the person with the best grade will be considered;
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