Polish Studies

About the course

Polish Studies (SOP) is a course of study addressed to people from all countries of the world interested in acquiring and improving their Polish language skills, and deepening their knowledge of Polish literature and history. The course enables students to acquire practical knowledge and skills, as well as the social competencies needed to enter the European labor market. Thanks to their broad linguistic and cultural competencies, graduates of the course of Polish Studies are ideal candidates for work in companies dealing with international cooperation, in non-governmental organizations and diplomacy, as well as in the publishing and translation market. SOP is a course conducted jointly by Poland's Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and Germany's European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder. Graduates of the course can obtain a degree from both universities and undertake further studies in Poland, Germany and other European countries. The course is aimed both at foreign students who would like to study in the European Union, but do not have adequate knowledge of Polish, as well as those who communicate in Polish and are interested in deepening their knowledge of the language.

Our advantages

  • qualified staff helping you develop and expand your knowledge of Polish, English and German,
  • studying in an international environment that allows you to use the acquired skills in practice,
  • formation of intercultural competence necessary for professional work in an international environment,
  • course conducted by two universities from two different countries of the European Union,
  • possibility of further studies in Poland and Germany,
  • additional German language course from the first semester for those interested in obtaining a double Polish-German diploma.

For those with a good command of the Polish language who want to deepen their knowledge of Polish culture and literature, there is a wide range of classes offered by the European University Viadrina, as well as language classes to deepen competence in other foreign languages.

Content and structure

The aim of the study is to comprehensively prepare you to work in an international environment both in Poland and in your country of origin. How do we intend to achieve this?

  • By developing intercultural and linguistic competence through a proprietary study program.
  • Working in small seminar groups.
  • Classes taught by lecturers with many years of experience working in an international and multicultural environment.
  • The dominant form of classes, which are workshop classes using modern teaching techniques and methodologies.

The SOP program assumes a gradual acquisition of language competence. Learning takes place within the framework of a three-year undergraduate program, which is divided into six semesters:

  • The first year of study is filled with intensive study of the Polish language. For those interested in a dual Polish-German degree, intensive German language study also takes place in parallel.
  • In the second year, students refine their Polish language skills and deepen their knowledge of Polish: literature, history, culture and politics, among other subjects.
  • In the third year, students deepen these issues, as well as develop practical skills related to the translation of various types of texts, both into Polish and their native language. The study ends with the defense of a bachelor's thesis.

Throughout their studies, students can take advantage of a wide range of English and German language classes at the Collegium Polonicum and additional language-related subjects and German language classes at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder.


The course of study on Poland is conducted at Collegium Polonicum in Słubice - a joint scientific and didactic unit of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder. International staff from both sides of the border have considerable experience in international studies. Both universities are members of a European research universities network, with which they maintain regular contacts, and university lecturers are regularly guest lecturers at other universities across Europe.

Competencies and career prospects

Our graduates are prepared for employment in a variety of jobs, both in the private and public sectors. Strong emphasis on the formation of knowledge of Polish and further foreign languages, logical and critical thinking, while supporting the development of soft intercultural skills, make them equipped with competencies sought after by international companies. Graduates are also ready to work in the sector of non-governmental organizations, cultural, publishing and translation institutions, but also in education.

Our goal is to prepare for work both in Poland, Germany and in the country of origin of our students. Understanding and sensitivity to cultural differences, as well as a broad knowledge of literary studies, translation studies and history, give our graduates a solid foundation for further studies and specialization in many humanities fields.

If you decide to continue your education in a higher degree program, you have the opportunity to choose from numerous master's programs conducted in different countries, universities and languages. Continuing education is possible in Polish, but also in a different foreign language, the knowledge of which is confirmed by a language exam. You can continue your education at the Collegium Polonicum and at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder by opting for one of the numerous programs at the master's level.


Classes are held at the Collegium Polonicum in Slubice, on the Polish-German border. Students can access not only the courses offered by the Collegium Polonicum, but also those of the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder (additional language courses, etc.). An academic campus is available for accomodation.

Classes are held entirely in Polish.

During further semesters, you can also participate in optional classes in English or German.

In order to study, it is required to know Polish at the A1 level. This means that you should have a basic knowledge of Polish: be able to introduce yourself, tell who you are, where you come from, what your interests are. During the first semester, you will begin intensive study from the A2 level, which after the first semester will allow you to communicate freely in basic matters in Polish.

Definitely yes! You can enroll without knowing Polish. In this case, we will provide you with a publication for learning Polish, so that you can prepare for the start of your studies on your own. Before the start of the semester, you will also be given the opportunity to participate in an intensive online language course. This will allow you to start your studies with basic skills in Polish.

Yes. Those who are proficient in Polish can specialize in literature, translation studies and history or cultural studies, so they can successfully continue their education at the graduate level. They can also opt to earn a double Polish-German degree, which involves parallel development of competence in German and preparation for further studies and work in Germany.

A requirement for admission is to have a document entitling the student to study: a high school diploma or foreign documents equivalent to the Polish high school diploma.

For foreign students, studies in Poland are paid, but those studying at the Collegium Polonicum are subject to a fee waiver by the Rector upon request. This means that you will not incur tuition fees.

Yes! In addition to Polish, you will also study English or German. The goal is to achieve a B2 level of foreign language proficiency by the end of your studies. Our university also allows you to take additional language courses and attend classes in foreign languages.

Immediately after graduation, you can start working professionally in a number of private or public organizations. You can also continue your education in higher degree (master's) studies in Poland and Germany.


Enrollment takes place via the AMU portal:


The admission requirements include possession of a document entitling to study: a high school diploma or foreign documents equivalent to the Polish high school diploma and a declaration of proficiency in Polish at A2 level.

The qualification procedure is a competition among secondary school diplomas or documents equivalent to the Polish secondary school graduation certificate. The ranking list of candidates is created on the basis of the grades on the document.

Further information and contact

Do you want to learn more about studying for the SOP degree? You are welcome to participate in an online information meeting - details coming soon! To attend the meeting, please email us at polishstudies@europa-uni.de

We are also happy to answer your questions by email - we look forward to hearing from you at polishstudies@europa-uni.de

Dr Dominik Pick

Prof. Dr. Werner Benecke